Que cada amanhecer do seu dia,
Nasça uma flor...
Que cada sorriso teu,
Seja as pétalas que torna
essa flor mais completa.
Que cada pensamento positivo,
Seja o caule que a sustenta ...
Que cada passo pra vitória ,
Seja a terra que a alimenta ...
Que cada gesto teu,
Seja o sol que fornece energia,
E que o brilho dos teus olhos,
Seja a beleza e a simplicidade desta flor...
Que me embriaga com seu perfume
E me encanta com seu carisma...
Esta flor que desabrocha em seus pensamentos
E me transforma em você...
Uma flor que vai permanecer intacta,
Às mais diferentes épocas,
Aos mais inesperados destinos...
Uma flor que nunca vou permitir morrer!!!

"Saudade nada mais

é que a

prova de que o

passado valeu a pena".

domingo, 15 de maio de 2011


Method of calculating material

need for Canadian smocking for

"Matrix design"



 This design contains repetition of 2 columns
of squares marked with diagonals
(shown in pink colour) and one column
which is left blank (Shown in green colour). 
Finally ends with 2 columns of squares 
marked with diagonals.Tthat means there 
should be odd numbers of columns marked
with diagonals  separated by Gaps. In other 
words first and last columns should be
columns marked with diagonals. Numbers 
of repetitions of these three columns 
depend upon the size of the cushion 
and the size of the square of the graph used.
Smocking is done on pairs of columns marked
with diagonals together. After completing one
pair of column we have to move on to the next pair.

Width of the material after smocking

After smocking the width of one pair of 
column of squares become equal to ½ if the 
diagonal of the square used.he gap takes
the shape of an equilateral triangle 
(See the diagram 1) whose side is equal 
to the diagonal of the square. Width 
of the gap will be equal to the height 
of the triangle thus formed.
Height of the triangle can be calculated 
by using the diagonal of the square used
Height of the triangle =√ (diagonal²–½diagonal²) .
No need to worry about the formula. I have given
the table which gives the diagonal and height 
of the triangle formed when smocking is 
done on different sizes of squares.


After smocking the height of two
rows will be equal to the 
diagonal of the square
With the help of these calculations
we can find out the number of squares we
need in each row and in each column. And 
then the material needed..Figures3,4and 5
explain the changes that take place after
smocking for different sizes of squares

I will give one example
How to calculate material needed for a 
cushion of size 40cm x40cm smocking
done on graph with squares 3cm x 3cm
After smocking width first column
becomes half of the diagonal =2.1cm
Width of next gap will be equal to 
height of the triangle formed = 3.6cm
Total of these three squares will be 5.7cm
These three squares are repeated
Last column is column of squares with
diagonals (marked pink) its width is 2.1cm
Subtract 2.1 cm from 40 cm =37.9 cm
Now we have to find out how many
times the fist 3 squares whose width will 
be 5.7 can be repeated to get to get 37.9cm
37.9cm÷ 5.7= 6.6
We can repeat 6 times without fraction 
that means we have to repeat 3 squares 6 times
3x6= 18 squares + last column 2 squares. = 20 squares
If you smock on 20 squares resulting
material will be (8x 5.7) + 2.1= 34.2 cm
+ 2.1cm= 36.3 cm
It is 37  cm approximately  or 4cm less
than 40 cm this can be made up by adding
2 cm on either side as border to this
add 1cm on either side for seams

We get 4, 2 cm when we smock 2 rows

These two rows should be repeated
40 ÷ 4.2= 9.5 times or 9 times 
without taking decimal
2 rows X 9 = 18 rows. When we smock 
these 18 rows the length we
get = 4.2 x 9= 37.8 cm
It is 2.2 cm less than 40 cm. it can 
be made up by adding 1 .1 cm 
on either side. 
To this add 1 cm on either side as border.
So the graph will have 18 rows each row having 20 squares
Width of the material=20 squares x 3cm=60cm + 6cm=66cm
Length of the material = 18 X 3 cm =54 cm + 4.2 cm=56.2 cm
Material needed =66 cm Χ 56.2 cm

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